Singing therapy workshop (based on the method of the „School of Uncovering the Voice“), will be
held in Bucharest, Romania from the 10th until the 15th of November 2023.
Singing was always a source of joy, a connection between people, company when working and a
deep force of healing and balance for the human being. When we raise our voices in singing
together we deepen our connection with ourselves and each other.
In the “School for uncovering the voice” singing is regarded as something which comes from the
entire human being, therefore this kind of singing has not only an artistic effect, but also a healing
one. Very often there is an extraordinary increase in singing ability. People who had no particular
bend towards singing and regarded themselves as “completely untalented” discover capacities
which were hidden. Joy in singing awakens and overcomes obstacles in the soul.
The length of the course allows us to get deeper into creating musical instruments by ourselves,
to understand our own voice better, as well as to understand the ways in which it can be more
easily and efficiently used. Attention is also paid to listening to other participants in the group. The
week’s work is mostly focused on training by the Werbeck Singing Method, as well as on singing
monophonic and polyphonic songs.
Venue: Pe Cale
Address: Titu Maiorescu, nr 2. Bucureșt
Hours: during the week 18,30-21,30, for the weekend 10,00-16,00
Course fee: 250 euro per participant
All info about the course you can get from:
0728.55.77.27 Ioana Popa and / or
0740.28.35.08 Iuliana Musetescu